General Information

School Information:

Haines City High School
2800 Hornet Drive Haines City, FL 33844
First Bell: 6:55am
Dismissal Bell: 2:00pm

Contact Information:

Main Office: (863) 421-3281
9th Grade Center: (863) 419-3125


Main Office Fax: (863) 421-3283
Guidance Dept. Fax: (863) 421-3301
9th Grade Center Fax: (863) 419-3149

Mission Statements

The mission of Haines City High School is to provide a high-quality
education by forging strong communal relationships, achieving
academic proficiency, and reinforcing positive behavior. Through
these provisions, Haines City High School creates Hornet Nation, which
is a sense of pride; a feeling of comfort and confidence; a common
ground; and a connection felt between students, faculty, parents, and
community members.

Vision Statments

The vision of Haines City High School is for all students to serve as productive and responsible citizens and be prepared to enter the work force, the military, or a post-secondary institution upon graduation.

Belief Statements

  • Student learning is the chief priority of the school and students'
    needs should be the primary focus of all school based decisions.
  • In a changing world, learning is a lifelong process shared by
    students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community.
  • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment should incorporate a
    variety of learning activities to meet the needs of different types of
  • Students need to demonstrate essential knowledge through
    application, problem solving, and production of quality work.
  • Any learning changes a person forever.
  • The character of a community is defined by how it treats its most
    vulnerable members.

Student Learner Outcomes

All students who graduate from Haines City High School will know and
be able to do the following at a level that enables them to pursue
their individual goals beyond high school:

  • Students will demonstrate literacy, numeracy, research, and
    communication skills necessary for lifelong learning.
  • Students will show respect for others and take personal
    responsibility for exhibiting a positive work ethic.
  • Students will be able to apply knowledge, understanding and
    problem solving skills in both individual and collaborative settings.
  • Students will use technological skills for learning and producing
    professional results.

Alma Mater

Thru the years of golden moments
Memories of friendship dear
Hail to thee our Alma Mater
Sing our praises clear
Green and White our colors bright
Mean to all a guiding light
O're our campus green and rolling
Give us knowledge tried and true.
Hail to thee our Alma Mater,
Now we sing to you.

Fight Song

Hail Haines City High School
Hail Green and White
Our Hornet Flag will
Wave on High Tonight
Here's Good Luck to You Team
Here's to What You've Done
And Here's to the Glory
You - Hornets have Won!